Thursday, April 18, 2013

want good data on obama google this


Finally! Exposed! The Deficit Myth! So, David Cameron When Are You Going to Apologise?

Posted: 24/10/2012 07:33

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on"
- Winston Churchill
As a Conservative I have no pleasure in exposing David Cameron's deficit claims. However, as long as the party continues to talk down the economy via the blame game, confidence will not be given an opportunity to return. For it is an undeniable and inescapable economic fact: without confidence and certainty there can be no real growth.
Below are the three deficit claims - the mess. The evidence comes from the IMF, OECD, OBR, HM Treasury, ONS and even George Osborne. The claims put into context are:
The last government left the biggest debt in the developed world.
After continuously stating the UK had the biggest debt in the world George Osborne admits to the Treasury Select Committee that he did not know the UK had the lowest debt in the G7? Watch: Also, confirmed by the OECD Those who use cash terms (instead of percentages) do so to scare, mislead and give half the story.
Its common sense, in cash terms a millionaire's debt would be greater than most people. Therefore, the UK would have a higher debt and deficit than most countries because, we are the sixth largest economy. Hence, its laughable to compare UK's debt and deficit with Tuvalu's who only have a GDP/Income of £24 million whilst, the UK's income is £1.7 Trillion.
Finally, Labour in 1997 inherited a debt of 42% of GDP. By the start of the global banking crises 2008 the debt had fallen to 35% - a near 22% reduction page 6 ONS Surprisingly, a debt of 42% was not seen as a major problem and yet at 35% the sky was falling down?
Labour created the biggest deficit in the developed world by overspending.
Firstly, the much banded about 2010 deficit of over 11% is false. This is the PSNB (total borrowings) and not the actual budget deficit which was -7.7% - OBR Economic and Fiscal Outlook March 2012 page 19 table 1.2
Secondly, in 1997 Labour inherited a deficit of 3.9% of GDP (not a balanced budget ) and by 2008 it had fallen to 2.1% - a reduction of a near 50% - Impressive! Hence, it's implausible and ludicrous to claim there was overspending. The deficit was then exacerbated by the global banking crises after 2008. See HM Treasury. Note, the 1994 deficit of near 8% haaaaaah!
Thirdly, the IMF have also concluded the same. They reveal the UK experienced an increase in the deficit as result of a large loss in output/GDP caused by the global banking crisis and not even as result of the bank bailouts, fiscal stimulus and bringing forward of capital spending. It's basic economics: when output falls the deficit increases.
Finally, the large loss in output occurred because the UK like the US have the biggest financial centres and as this was a global banking crises we suffered the most. Hence, the UK had the 2nd highest deficit in the G7 (Not The World) after the US and not as a result of overspending prior to and after 2008- as the IMF concur.
Our borrowing costs are low because the markets have confidence in George Osborne's austerity plan and without it the UK will end up like Greece.
Yes, the markets have confidence in our austerity plan and that's why PIMCO the worlds largest bond holder have been warning against buying UK debt.
The real reason why our borrowing costs have fallen and remained low since 2008 is because, savings have increased. As a result, the demand and price for bonds have increased and as there is inverse relationship between the price of bonds and its yield (interest rate) the rates have fallen. Also, the markets expect the economy to remain stagnate. Which means the price for bonds will remain high and hence, our borrowing costs will also remain low.
Secondly, the UK is considered a safe heaven because, investors are reassured the Bank of England will buy up bonds in an event of any sell off - which increases the price of bonds and reduces the effective rate. Note, how rates fell across the EU recently when the ECB announced its bond buying program. Thirdly, because, we are not in the Euro we can devalue our currency to increase exports. Moreover, UK bonds are attractive because, we haven't defaulted on its debt for over 300 years.
David Cameron would like people to believe the markets lend in the same way as retail banks lend to you and I.
Overall, when the facts and figures are put into context these juvenile deficit narratives and sound bites ("mere words and no evidence") simply fail to stand up to the actual facts. The deficit myth is the grosses lie ever enforced upon the people and it has been sold by exploiting people's economic illiteracy.
So, David Cameron when are you going to apologise?
Cameron is playing the blame game to depress confidence and growth to justify austerity. Secondly, to use austerity as justification for a smaller state to gain lower taxes. Thirdly, to paint Labour as a party that can not be trusted with the country's finances again. Therefore, we Conservatives will win a second term because, people vote out of fear. The latter strategy worked the last time in office (18 years) and will work again because, in the end, elections are won and lost on economic credibility. Hence, as people believe Labour created the mess they won't be trusted again.
Finally, as the truth is the greatest enemy of the a lie I urge you to share this on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, text and email etc etc. So the truth can be discovered by all. Finally, have no doubt, people have been mislead by the use of the following strategy:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" Joseph Goebbels

is the meeting with Saudi Foreign minister related to the deportation of the person of interest in Boston bombing? What is the official reason for the deportation?

Posted on | April 18, 2013 | No Comments
0 approved
DRUDGE reporting:
BIG SIS: DRUDGE REPORT is not credible…
and then DRUDGE reporting 2 facts:
Obama meets with Saudi foreign minister; not on public schedule…
REPORT: Saudi Student — ‘Person of Interest’ in Boston Bombings — To Be Deported?
Occam’s Razor:
Drudge reports fact; Napolitano says “not credible;” hence Napolitano does not want FACT published, ( but rather state propaganda for someone in the White House about whom generals and colonels are writing letters in support of Orly.)
The lens is coming into focus for America, or?

Press release from law offices of attorney Taitz. Letter from Major General Childers to Judge England. 17 more high ranking officers of the U.S. military signed similar letters. Please, forward to and any other publication you can think of

Posted on | April 18, 2013 | 4 Comments
Press release
Law Offices of Orly Taitz
18 high ranking officers of the U.S. military signed letters urging Judge Morrison C. England, Chief District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California to hear on the merits the legal challenge brought by Attorney Orly Taitz on behalf of Presidential Candidates and Presidential Electors  in light of evidence of forgery in Obama’s IDs. Contrary to reports of a 100% controlled and censored U.S. main stream media, aka Obama regime propaganda machine, none of the legal challenges against Obama was ever ruled upon on the merits.Not one single judge compelled production of the original IDs for Obama, not one single judge or jury saw the original birth certificate, original Selective Service certificate, original Social Security application and all the copies released so far were deemed by experts to be flagrant crude forgeries. Not one single judge or jury have seen the application SS-5 for the Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425,which Obama is fraudulently using, even now, in the White House, while it failed both E-Verify and SSNVS    and showed in multiple databases to be assigned to an immigrant from Russia, Harrison J. Bounel, who was born in 1890, presumed to be deceased without heirs and whose number was illegally assumed by Obama.Why doesn’t he have a valid Social Security number? Sworn affidavits  of top law enforcement officers and experts show him using a forged birth certificate, forged Selective Service certificate, Indonesian citizenship and a last name not legally his. Top ranking officers of the U.S. military have a right to know whether we have a legitimate Commander -in-Chief giving them orders. Other members of the U.S military, law enforcement, FBI, Sheriffs, police officers, District Attorneys, assistant U.S. attorneys and assistant AGs, who share the same concerns as Major General Childers and other officers can write to Attorney Taitz at
Letter from Major General Childers

Obama's Saudi Arabian Connection Exposed
In His Own Words and Deeds

"Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known." Matthew 10:26

Hide in plain sight.
It seems that nearly every week some new story emerges attempting to connect Barack Obama with Islam. Some of these stories are just viscious slander, and we immediately discount stories of that ilk. But there are other stories, from intelligent, credible sources, that are rising to the surface and sticking. This article will show you the evidence from those credible sources, and then we will let you decide.The strongest evidence we have will be from the words and deeds of Barack Obama himself.

The Bow Heard Around The World

A deep bow from the waist is a recognized sign of submission to the person you are bowing to, in much the same way that a dog will lay down before it's master. The meaning of the word "Islam" is 'submission'. That is what you are watching in this photo - Obama, as the leader of America, submitting to a foreign, Muslim king. You will note that the King is not bowing in return, but instead maintains the superior position.

No other sitting American president has ever bowed from the waist to the leader of any foreign country

"In a shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate, President Obama bowed to Saudi King Abdullah at the Group of 20 summit in London last week. The bow was an extraordinary protocol violation. Such an act is a traditional obeisance befitting a king's subjects, not his peer. There is no precedent for U.S. presidents bowing to Saudi or any other royals. Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt shook hands with Saudi King Abdulaziz in February 1945. Granted, Mr. Roosevelt was wheelchair-bound, but former President Dwight D. Eisenhower shook hands when he first met King Saud in January 1957. Mr. Obama's bow to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques does not help his image with those who believe he is secretly a Muslim, and why he chose to bow only to the Saudi King and not to any other royals remains unexplained." source - Washington Times

Egyptian Foreign Minister: Obama told me he is a Muslim.

"Adul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, where the US President told him that He was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the step son of Muslim stepfather, that his half brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda. Adul Gheit claimed Obama told the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues, like the Health care reform, he would show the Muslim World how to deal with Israel."
source - Atlas Shrugs

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit greets President Obama
"We are no longer a Christian nation" - Barack Obama

This video is nearly 10 minutes long and is exclusively in the words of Obama himself, and is perhaps the most damning evidence of all. In this video you will hear the effusive praise that Obama has for Islam, and the disdain he shows for Christianity.

Obama gives nearly half a billion dollars to terror organization HAMAS

Washington (CNN) - The United States will contribute $400 million in development aid to the Palestinian territories and work with Israel to loosen its embargo on Gaza, President Barack Obama said Wednesday. Obama's announcement came after White House talks with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The money will be used to build housing, schools, water and health care systems in both the Palestinian Authority-controlled West Bank and Gaza, which is ruled by the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas. Obama called the situation in Gaza "unsustainable," and said the United States would work with its European allies, Egypt and Israel to find a "new conceptual framework" for the Israeli blockade of Gaza." source - CNN

Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN Next Week

THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up an independent commission, under UN auspices, to investigate Israel's behavior in the Gaza flotilla incident. The White House has apparently shrugged off concerns from elsewhere in the U.S. government that a) this is an extraordinary singling out of Israel, since all kinds of much worse incidents happen around the world without spurring UN investigations; b) that the investigation will be one-sided, focusing entirely on Israeli behavior and not on Turkey or on Hamas; and c) that this sets a terrible precedent for outside investigations of incidents involving U.S. troops or intelligence operatives as we conduct our own war on terror." source - The Weekly Standard

Obama refuses to investigate Ft. Hood slaying by Muslim soldier

(AP) WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama on Saturday urged Congress to hold off on any investigation of the Fort Hood rampage until federal law enforcement and military authorities have completed their probes into the shootings at the Texas Army post, which left 13 people dead. On an eight-day Asia trip, Obama turned his attention home and pleaded for lawmakers to "resist the temptation to turn this tragic event into the political theater." He said those who died on the nation's largest Army post deserve justice, not political stagecraft." source - Huffington Post
Obama breaks promise to prevent Iran from going nuclear

US President Barack Obama has decided to abandon any serious effort to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He is determined instead to live with a nuclear Iran, by containment and, if possible, negotiation. This is the shifting tectonic plate in the Middle East. This is the giant story of the past few weeks which the world has largely missed, distracted by the theatre of the absurd of Obama's contrived and mock confrontation with Israel over 1600 apartments to be built in three years' time in a Jewish suburb in East Jerusalem." source - The Australian

Obama swore he wouldn't let Iran go nuclear, and yet, he did nothing to stop them from firing up their nuclear reactor

"BUSHEHR, Iran - Trucks rumbled into Iran's first reactor Saturday to begin loading tons of uranium fuel in a long-delayed startup touted by officials as both a symbol of the country's peaceful intentions to produce nuclear energy as well as a triumph over Western pressure to rein in its nuclear ambitions. The Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant will be internationally supervised, including a pledge by Russia to safeguard it against materials being diverted for any possible use in creating nuclear weapons. Iran's agreement to allow the oversight was a rare compromise by the Islamic state over its atomic program." source - Yahoo News
Obama commands NASA to start Muslim outreach

Listen to NASA head Charles Bolden talk about Obama's outreach to the Muslim world. And why, exactly, is NASA conducting a 'muslim outreach'?

Proof of Obama's ties to Saudi Arabia?

Is Barack Obama a pawn of the king of Saudi Arabia? Has Obama lied to the American people about his past, his background and his christianity? Remember it is a command of Islam to 'deceive the infidel', this is called Taqiyah. Taqiyah, as defined by Islam is this - "In Islamic terminology it means "to save life, honour. or property (either one's own or of other believers) by hiding one's belief or religion" source -

One thing is certain - Obama has not been truthful with the American people. Based on the evidence presented here from legitmate, credible sources including the videotaped testimony culled from speeches and interviews given by Obama himself, it would be safe to draw the conclusion that he is not who he has presented himself to be. By his own words and actions, he is the most pro-Muslim president in American history, and does seem to have a pro-Muslim agenda. If you noticed, I added very little commentary to this article and simply let the documented facts speak for themselves. There is much, much more that could be added in this regard.

Is Barack Hussein Obama a Muslim working to bring about Sharia law in the United States? That is for you to decide. But at the rate America is crumbling, you better hurry making up your mind.
Click here to read how Obama has turned his back on his Christian 'roots'.
Click here to read how Obama supports the mosque at Ground Zero.
Click here to read how Obama plans to divide Israel for the Palestinians.
Click here to read how Obama has created the largest debt in US history.

Why is Obama Deporting Boston Bombing ‘Person of Interest’ After Meeting with Saudi Minister?

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been neutered by Barack Obama. He has forced them to release thousands of illegal alien criminals over the past four years – resulting in hundreds of crimes including 19 murders and 142 rapes. The ICE Union president has reported on how they have been told to delay and cancel deportations en masse.
But there is one foreign national that Obama seems to want to deport ASAP.
An expert on terrorism says the Saudi national here on a student visa who was the original “person of interest” in connection with Monday’s Boston Marathon bombing is going to be deported from the U.S. next week.
The foreign student from Revere, Mass., is identified as 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi.
“I just learned from my own sources that he is now going to be deported on national security grounds next Tuesday, which is very unusual,” Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism told Sean Hannity of Fox News Wednesday night.
Why suddenly is al-Harbi being sent out of the country as the terror investigation is yet, ongoing?
On Wednesday evening, Reuters reported that President Obama held an meeting this afternoon with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House. The meeting was not on the public schedule.
We also learned yesterday that Secretary of State John Kerry had met with the same minister on Tuesday, and the meeting was abruptly closed to the media.
Why is he being rushed out of the country, despite revelations that his family has ties to terrorists, including some currently detained at Gitmo?
Does this special treatment have anything to do with the fact that al-Harbi is part of a powerful Saudi family? ICE sources have reported that the deportation was set to be framed as a “voluntary” departure to be with his family.
UPDATE: Glenn Beck broke the news this morning that al-Harbi had his student visa revoked, and is in fact being deported under section 212 3B – “Security and related grounds” – “Terrorist activities”.
An FBI source has told TheBlaze that the Saudi Student was “taken into custody”. This means, when we he was reported as a person of interest, he was actually a suspect the entire time.
An “event”, or file, was created on the student three days ago. The file contains his deportation record and the reason he is being deported. According to ICE the reason is section 212 3B –”Security and related grounds” – “Terrorist activities”. The student’s visa has been revoked.
The FBI said a file was started “just in case he was found to be connected to the crime,” however, the file shows he was scheduled to be deported. This was not precautionary, it was listed as “orders.” The file was immediately classified. Sources are telling TheBlaze the deportation order will be classified as well – requiring a FOIA to access it.
One agent told TheBlaze he believes a “voluntary” departure has been signed – that means the Saudi student could be out of the country as early as today. While the official story was going to be “he wanted to go home,” the student was actually being deported.
TheBlaze has been told that by a source that this “looks like they were trying to make this a ‘lone wolf’ crime, so the Saudi government would be spared embarrassment and the U.S. would avoid explaining how a terror cell was active when we had AQ on the run.”
One source at the FBI and another at the Saudi Embassy referred to the student as connected to an important Saudi family.
UPDATE 2: TheBlaze news director Joel Cheatwood is reporting there is some discussion among the Administration to possibly NOT permit the deportation to happen.
CALL YOUR REPS and demand they get to the bottom of what is going on here:

We will update this post with new information as this stunning and disturbing story develops.

Hmmm…Barack Obama Holds Unscheduled Meeting With Saudi Diplomat After Boston Bombing

Hmmm…Barack Obama Holds Unscheduled Meeting With Saudi Diplomat After Boston Bombing

Such a meeting certainly does little to tap down the rampant rumors of what really happened before, during, and after the Boston terror attack.  Add to this oddly timed meeting further information suggesting the initial “person of interest” in the Boston bombing, a young Saudi national, is now being deported from the United States only further darkens the clouds of conspiracy that now hang over the tragedy.

(Is one of these men the “person of interest” the Obama government is now allowing to leave the country?) 
EXCERPT (via InfoWars)

Obama Covering Up Saudi Link to Boston Bombing?

The Saudi “person of interest” suspected of being involved in the Boston Marathon bombings is being deported from the United States next week on “national security grounds,” according to a terrorism expert, who notes that the move is “very unusual,” especially given an unscheduled meeting yesterday between President Obama and Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.
The attempt to cover up a possible Saudi connection to the Boston attack could explain why authorities are scrambling to get their official narrative straight after photos emerged yesterday on the Internet showing numerous suspects carrying large backpacks, some of them middle eastern in appearance and two of the individuals having been almost certainly identified as employees of private military/security firm Craft International.
The FBI had set a press conference for 5pm EST yesterday afternoon but the event was cancelled hours after the photos were seen by millions of people online. The federal agency blamed the media for erroneous reporting, stating, “these stories often have unintended consequences.”
CNN also had to backtrack after they announced that a suspect had been arrested, a report that was subsequently denied by authorities. Reports of a “dark skinned man” being arrested were later mothballed.
According to terrorism expert Steve Emerson, 20-year-old Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national first suspected of being involved in Monday’s twin bomb attack, is being hastily deported. Alharbi was put under armed guard in hospital after the bombing, was visited by Saudi diplomat Azzam bin Abdel Karim, and later had his apartment raided by federal and state law enforcement agents.
“I just learned from my own sources that he is now going to be deported on national security grounds next Tuesday, which is very unusual,” Emerson told Fox News last night.   LINK
Yesterday we were witness to a considerable amount of video footage evidence focused before, during, and after the Boston bomb blasts.  The release of this evidence was followed by a reported bomb threat at the Federal Building in Boston and a  flurry of activity at a Boston hospital where this same “person of interest” was said to be held.  These events were in turn followed by the oddly canceled FBI briefing that itself was bookended by Barack Obama’s own odd and over-emotional gun legislation press conference – which itself was soon followed by reports from CBS that Benghazi Massacre whistleblowers were now coming forward.
Something feels terribly wrong here…
“Brilliantly Written As A Prophetic Warning For All Americans”   -Cheryl Savage 

Obamacare May Put Some Unions Out of Business

Obamacare May Put Some Unions Out of Business

The subsidies will undercut their biggest selling point

Yesterday I asked whether Big Labor was turning on Obamacare, after the Roofer's union called for its appeal.  This morning I got to talk to an expert who pointed out that the roofers are in a particularly unattractive position.  Roofing companies are mostly small shops, which makes them hard to organize.  And it just got much harder, because now open-shop roofing companies are essentially getting subsidized health insurance for their employees.
Under Obamacare, small firms don't have to provide insurance to their employees.  That probably describes most of the non-union roofing firms in the country.  Meanwhile, non-union roofers are going to be eligible for heavily subsidized insurance on the exchanges.  Union workers get the health insurance, but no subsidy.  This will mean one of two things:
1.  Union workers will get paid less than non-union workers, as wages are diverted to cover the union health plan.
2.  Union firms will have higher costs than non-union firms, as they cover the extra cost of an unsubsidized union health plan.  
Either way is bad news: it will be difficult to recruit new workers, and/or difficult to find work for the people in the union.  No wonder the union is freaking out.  
But while their situation may be particularly bad, it's hardly unique.  There are a lot of unions whose workers are increasingly in competition with small, open-shop firms.  And it seems that Obamacare may threaten their continued existence.  It's also probably the final nail in the coffin of the oft-expressed hope that folks like the SEIU will find a way to expand unionization in the service industry.  Benefits are one of the major ways that unions recruit and retain members.  And there's no way that they can compete for low-wage workers with the heavy subsidies the government is offering.  
It would be ironic indeed if many of the private sector unions who supported Obamacare (with the promise that these problems would later be fixed) had actually signed their own death warrant.  But it seems this may be what has happened.  There's no money in the budget for the government to extend subsidies to the union plans, or exempt them from the various coverage expansions and taxes.  And there's no money in the union coffers to compete with the government subsidies that have already been enacted.

United States Secret Service Agents - Monitoring - Biggest Trans-National Organized Crime Case

United States Secret Service Agents - Monitoring - Biggest Trans-National Organized Crime Case

The Carroll Foundation Trust Criminal Case - Largest Organised Criminal Conspiracy and Corruption Case - $ One Billion Dollars
$ Embezzlement of Funds Criminal Liquidation of Assets on a World Wide basis

Monday, 25 February 2013

United States Secret Service Agents - GOLDFINGER $1,000,000,000 Bank Fraud Heist Files - Carroll Trust - Biggest Trans-National Organized Crime Case

The United States Bullion Depository often known as Fort Knox is a fortified vault building located adjacent to Fort Knox Kentucky used to store a large portion of United States official gold reserves and occasionally other precious items = BELONGING OR ENTRUSTED = to the federal government. The United States Bullion Depository holds 4,603 tons (4,176 metric tons) of gold bullion (147.4 million troy ounces). This is roughly 2.5% of all the gold ever refined throughout human history. Even so the depository is second in the United States to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's underground vault in Manhattan which holds 5,000 metric tons of gold some of it = IN TRUST = for foreign nations central banks and official international organizations.

The Carroll Foundation Trust Criminal Case is one of the largest ever ongoing white collar organized crime offshore tax evasion fraud heist operations in modern economic history. The case dossiers embracing the staggering $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars) embezzlement of funds liquidation of assets on a world wide basis are held within a complete "lockdown" at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard Specialist Operations Directorate London within a cross-border US HM Crown National Security and Public Interests Case.

Barack Obama’s Gun Vote Temper Tantrum – LAME DUCK Status Officially Begins Today…

Barack Obama’s Gun Vote Temper Tantrum – LAME DUCK Status Officially Begins Today…

To borrow a phrase…Let Me Be Clear – Barack Obama cares very little about the actual issue of gun control.  What he DOES care about is losing.  And today, he lost and lost HARD.  Members of his own political party refused to support the gun bill as it died a rightful death (for now) in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Today Obama received his first real taste of Lame Duck – and he didn’t like it.  Well Mr. President…there’s plenty more where that came from.

 Obama's Emotional Speech On Gun Control Vote FAIL Senate rejects expande...: via @youtube

Statement by Gov. Perry on Incident in West

Wednesday, April 17, 2013  •  Austin, Texas  •  Press Release

Gov. Rick Perry today released the following statement regarding the incident in West, Texas:
“We are monitoring developments and gathering information as details continue to emerge about this incident. We have also mobilized state resources to help local authorities. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of West, and the first responders on the scene.”
Please follow our disaster page on the West, Texas Explosion. You will find information on donation locations, shelter information, medical assistance, how to donate blood and more.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

i made this blog for my friend kimber this is her blog

i hope you all be kind to my friend
as you know me i am not nice

Feds arrest suspect in ricin-positive letters sent to Obama, senator

The ricin-laced letters sent to President Obama and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker were both postmarked April 8 and sent from Memphis, Tenn., signed "I am KC and I approve this message." A third letter went to Michigan Sen. Carl Levin. NBC's Andrea Mitchell reports.
Federal agents on Wednesday arrested a suspect in the mailing of letters to President Barack Obama and a U.S. senator that initially tested positive for the poison ricin.
The suspect was identified as Kenneth Curtis of Tupelo, Miss., federal officials told NBC News. They said he may appear in court as early as Wednesday night.
Both letters carried an identical closing statement, according to an FBI bulletin obtained by NBC News on Wednesday.
According to the FBI bulletin, both letters, postmarked April 8, 2013 out of Memphis, Tenn., included an identical phrase, "to see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance."
In addition, both letters are signed: "I am KC and I approve this message."
The letter to Obama was intercepted at an off-site White House mail facility and was being tested further, the FBI said. A federal law enforcement official said that the letter was “very similar” to one addressed to Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss.
Two federal officials said late Wednesday that an initial laboratory test on the material in the letters was inconclusive. The test shows some level of ricin, they said, but the potency is uncertain.  They cannot tell whether the material is actually harmful or not.  So more tests have been ordered.
The sender of the letters, one official said, "may have stumbled onto something," but it's unknown if he actually made full-blown ricin toxin.
Ricin is made from castor beans and can kill within 36 hours. There is no antidote. Some threatening letters simply contain ground castor beans, resulting in a positive field test for ricin without the concentrated poison. Results from full laboratory tests are expected in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Filters at a second government mail screening facility also tested positive for ricin in preliminary screening Wednesday.
An FBI official told NBC News that the agency did not initially believe the letters were related to the attack on the Boston Marathon on Monday.
Authorities also for a time cleared the atrium of a Senate office building Wednesday, removing suspicious envelopes and a package, before reopening the offices. Capitol police were also investigating a suspicious package at the office of Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. Shelby’s staff had not been evacuated.
The Wicker letter had no return address. The FBI confirmed the preliminary positive test on it Tuesday. That letter was intercepted at a postal facility in Maryland that screens mail sent to Congress, and never reached Wicker’s office.
Other senators were made aware of the Wicker letter during a briefing Tuesday evening on the bombing in Boston. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said that the person who sent Wicker the letter writes often to elected officials.
People can be exposed to ricin by touching a ricin-laced letter or by inhaling particles that enter the air when the envelope is opened. Touching ricin can cause a rash but is not usually fatal. Inhaling it can cause trouble breathing, fever and other symptoms, and can be fatal.
At a hearing Wednesday on the Postal Service’s finances, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said that while there have been ricin scares in the past, the recent discoveries were unprecedented.
“There's never been any actually proved that have gone through the system,” Donahoe said. “But we've got a process that we make sure that our employees know -- We can actually track the mail back through the system to double check from an employee health standpoint."
Field tests are conducted anytime suspicious powder is found in a mail facility, and the FBI cautioned that field tests and other preliminary tests can produce inconsistent results. When tests show the possibility of a biological agent, the material is sent to a laboratory for full analysis.
Robert Windrem, Kasie Hunt, Kelly O’Donnell, Richard Esposito, Jeff Black, Mike Viqueira and Dr. Kristina Krohn of NBC News contributed to this report.