All indications are that four Americans were deliberately left to be savagely murdered in the streets of Benghazi by a sitting U.S. president who easily had all the means and opportunity to intervene and save their lives, but simply sat back and chose not to...and then lied about it and even publicly apologized to the terrorists for Americans "provoking" them.
And our painstakingly impartial news media--the same ones that fell over each other to railroad Richard Nixon out of office for participating in the cover-up of a hotel break-in (which involved zero fatalities)--haven't been able to muster the energy or interest to seriously question any part of it until now...until it was forcibly dragged into the spotlight by one whistle-blower after another. Not to worry, though. It can't affect Obama's re-election anymore, so it's okay to ask questions again.
(For the record: Obama's top 20 impeachable offenses)
It's straight out of the Swift Boat playbook. Ignore the controversy at all cost, no matter how many people are screaming from the rooftops for answers, until you are absolutely forced to cover it, at which point you reverse course and vindictively crucify anyone who dared to raise the questions in the first place, until their name is so utterly discredited that it becomes synonymous with dishonest persecution (even though the Swift Boat Vets were eventually vindicated on the facts).
This, of course, is the exact opposite of how Republican scandals are treated.
Let's review:
- In 2000, the media turned the Bush-coke hoax into a front-page, 24/7 scandal, based on zero actual evidence (right before a major national election)...which later turned out to have been invented out of thin air by a convicted felon, whose book was consequently pulled from the shelves.
- In 2004, they invented the Bush-National Guard "scandal" (again, right before a major national election), which turned out to be based on a forgery so blatant that CBS had to fire everyone involved, including Dan Rather.
- In 2005, they manufactured a fraudulent "scandal" against Lewis Libby (anti-war Bush opponent Dick Armitage admitted to being the leak),
- In 2007, they arbitrarily decided that, for the first time in the history of political appointees, firing them for political reasons was somehow suddenly controversial and invented a "scandal" against Alberto Gonzales.
And then there are the numerous lesser scandals in which the party affiliation is mentioned either non-stop, if it is a Republican, or barely/not at all, if it is a Democrat.
And then there are the dozens upon dozens of broken promises and outright lies they continuously allow Obama to get away with.
And then there are the jaw-droppingly dishonest narratives on non-partisan scandals, like that of Dr. Gosnell, Trayvon Martin, the Duke Lacrosse team, etc.
It never ends.
But perhaps the reason our diligent, truth-seeking press somehow managed to overlook yet another potentially career-ending scandal for a Democrat is that they were too busy pushing the same erroneous narrative that these brutal murders were a spontaneous uprising provoked by an American film-maker committing the hate crime of criticizing the "religion of peace."
For the record, that film-maker was vindictively railroaded to prison on trumped up charges as a consequence for expressing non-Democrat-approved opinions in public.
This is just the way everything works in the Orwellian, Obama-worshiping abandonment of journalism that is our modern news media. Partisanship, leftist ideology and Democrat power trump facts, evidence and truth at all times, as evidenced not only by the completely unrecognizable alternate reality they have created surrounding every story from the war in Iraq, to Bill Clinton's (disastrous) legacy, to the economic collapse, to global warming...but also by the fact that they have been caught openly conspiring to rig elections for Democrats in the past.
Of course, this also brings to mind Election 2012, and all the bizarre, wildly impossible results one would only expect to see in a corrupt, Third-World dictatorship...and the fact that virtually no one in the press could be bothered to notice or care, because they got the result they wanted.
The bottom line: These news media deliberately create a biased, false impression of what is going on at every turn, and the national dialogue always ends up looking nothing like what is actually happening. What the American people want to hear about is constantly disregarded in exchange for stories we don't care about, and the moment the media are forced to do otherwise, they simply lie through their teeth with spoon-fed liberal talking points (often pretending to be verified by discredited partisan 'fact-checkers') as they are now doing with Benghazi.
This is why FOX News absolutely crushes so many other outlets in the ratings, and has for years (as I have noted). It is the only way to get multiple sides of the story. It is also why studies tend to show that liberals are wildly misinformed or uninformed (and vice-versa).
As of this moment, the news media have:
- openly lied about the facts of Benghazi from start-to-finish,
- attacked any reporter who dared to actually investigate it,
- painted all congressional inquiries into it as a partisan GOP witch hunt,
- allowed Obama to silence witnesses, no questions asked,
- and blindly parroted doctored, fraudulent talking points from the White House falsely blaming it on a film.
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